Top 23 Tips for Moving House

house moving boxes

Packing and moving has never been easy. Whether you’re relocating to a new neighborhood or crossing state lines, the process of packing up your life and settling into a new home can be a rollercoaster ride. To make this transition smoother and less stressful, Sam Removals has put together a comprehensive guide with valuable yet the best top 23 tips for moving house. From decluttering your old space to embracing your new one, we’ll cover it all.

We have created a customized moving house tips based on our experience of moving thousands of home and Interstate moves.

1. Start Early

Moving is a process that requires careful planning. Start as early as possible to avoid last-minute chaos. Begin by creating a moving checklist and timeline to keep yourself organized. 

2. Declutter Your Belongings

Spend some time organising your space before you begin packing.  Check all your belongings and make a firm decision as to what you really need to keep. The rest of the things you can either donate or discard.

3. Gather Packing Supplies

Packing Materials

Collect all the necessary packing supplies such as boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers. Having these items on hand will streamline the packing process.

4. Pack Room by Room

Pack one room at a time to keep everything organised and avoid confusion. Ensure you know which box belongs to which room.  This will simplify the unpacking process. 

5. Consider Hiring Professionals

If your budget permits, think about hiring a moving company. They are skilled in handling packing and unpacking of your belongings carefully and effectively, lowering the possibility of damage. In contrast, if you’re relocating to or from Melbourne or nearby suburbs like Truganina or Point Cook. To move safely and without fuss, you can choose a reputable and qualified packers and movers.

6. House Moving List

House Moving Checklist

Moving out checklist – it’s a phrase that can strike fear into the hearts of even the most organized among us. But fear is not! With proper house movers checklist and planning you can make your move a breeze.

7. Keep Essentials Handy

Pack a separate box with essentials you’ll need on moving day and during your first few days in your new home. Include items like toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents.

8. Take Care of Pets

Moving can be stressful for pets. Make sure to keep them in a safe and comfortable environment on moving day and update their tags with your new address.

9. Plan for Kids

If you have children, plan for their needs during the move. Pack a bag of their favorite toys and snacks to keep them occupied.

10. Pack Valuables Separately

Keep your valuable items, such as jewelry and important documents, with you during the move. Don’t pack them with the rest of your belongings to ensure their safety.

11. Take Photos of Electronics

Before disconnecting electronic devices, take photos of how they are set up. This will make it easier to reconnect them in your new home.

12. Handle Fragile Items with Care

Use plenty of padding and bubble wrap when packing fragile items. Mark these boxes as fragile to alert movers to handle them with extra care.

13. Don’t Overload Boxes

Avoid overloading boxes to the point of them become too heavy to lift. Distribute the weight evenly to prevent accidents and injuries.

14. Set Up Utilities in Advance

Ensure that your new home’s utilities, such as electricity, water, and internet, are set up in advance. You don’t want to arrive in a new place only to discover you’re without essential services.

15. Explore Your New Neighborhood

Take some time to explore your new neighborhood after you’ve settled into your new house. Find the locations of the grocery stores, parks, and medical services that are closest to you.

16. Connect with Neighbors

Don’t be shy; introduce yourself to your new neighbors. Building a friendly relationship with them can make your transition into the community smoother.

17. Customize Your Space

Make your new house feel like home by personalizing it. Add your favorite decorations, paint the walls in your preferred colors, and arrange the furniture to your liking.

18. Update Your Address

Remember to update your address with important institutions, such as banks, insurance companies, and the DMV. This ensures you receive important correspondence. 

19. Keep an Emergency Kit

Prepare an emergency kit with essential items like flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit. You may need it anytime.

20. Embrace the Change

Moving house can be emotionally challenging, but it’s also an opportunity for a fresh start. Embrace the change and focus on the exciting possibilities that come with your new home.

21. Get to Know Local Services

Learn about neighborhood amenities including trash collection, public transportation, and nearby schools. This will make it simpler for you to integrate into your new neighborhood. 

22. Set Financial Goals

Moving often comes with financial adjustments. Set new financial goals that align with your new living situation and create a budget to help you stay on track.

23. Enjoy Your New Beginning

Finally, savor the moment. Moving house is a significant life event, and it’s essential to celebrate your new beginning and the adventures that lie ahead.


In conclusion, moving house is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor, but with the right approach and a well-thought-out plan, it can also be a rewarding and exciting experience. The 23 tips we’ve shared here are designed to help you navigate the complexities of moving with confidence and ease. Remember, preparation is key, and taking the time to organize, declutter, and enlist the help of professionals when needed can make all the difference.

As you embark on this new chapter in your life, keep these tips in mind, stay positive, and embrace the adventure of making a new house your home. Safe moving, and here’s to a bright future in your new abode! 

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